17:32, 20.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ India Edible Oil Prices Fall On Soyoil Import Duty Cut

MUMBAI (Dow Jones)--Indian edible oil prices fell in the week ended Friday on
expectation of higher soyoil imports after the federal government decided to
scrap a 20% import duty on crude soyoil.

The country's soyoil imports may double in the current marketing year to
October to around 1.5 million metric tons, from an earlier estimate of 900,000
tons, said London-based vegetable oils analyst Dorab Mistry late Thursday.

The country's vegetable oil imports are likely to rise to a record high of
7.5 million tons in the 2008-09 marketing year, up from an earlier estimate of
7.2 million tons and sharply higher than actual imports of 6.3 million tons in
2007-08, he said.

In India, consumption of edible oil has been on the rise due to a fall in
global prices. In February, soyoil imports rose by 88.5% to 153,887 tons from
81,634 tons due to the price drop.

"Higher imports are likely to depress prices further, which may encourage
farmers to plant less next year," said Rajendra Manglani, a trader based in the
major producer state of Madhya Pradesh.

Prices of refined soyoil fell to INR43,000/ton from last week's price of
INR44,500/ton. Crude palm oil was at INR30,500/ton, down from INR31,000/ton.

However, refined, bleached and deodorized palm olein prices rose to INR36,400
from INR36,000/ton a week ago.


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