12:02, 19.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ India Rapeseed Oil Price To Fall On Scrapped Soyoil Tax -Exec

NEW DELHI (Dow Jones)--Indian rapeseed oil prices are likely to fall
following the government's decision to scrap a 20% import duty on soyoil, a
senior industry official said Thursday.

Trade Secretary G.K. Pillai told reporters earlier today that the import duty
on soyoil had been reduced to zero.

"The elimination of the duty on soybean oil will have a direct impact on the
price of (local) rapeseed and rapeseed oil, and (prices of) the two may go down
further," said B.V. Mehta, executive director of the Solvent Extractors'
Association of India.

"It will affect the interests of the farmer," he added.

Mehta said prices of some of the locally produced oilseed crop were already
down by 30% to 40% over the same period last year.

"Currently, rapeseed is under harvest and is being sold just above the
minimum support price," he said. "The current prices are already at bottom."


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