12:53, 24.08.2008 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Argentina July Soy Crush Up 23% On Yr; Sunseed Up 27%-Ag Secy

BUENOS AIRES (Dow Jones)--Argentina crushed 3,453,740 metric tons of soybeans
in July, up 23% from the 2,798,413 tons turned into soyoil and soymeal during
the same month last year, according to the Agriculture Secretariat's latest

Oilseed processing bounced back in July after a strike and roadblocks thrown
up by farmers in May and June to protest higher grain export taxes prevented a
large amount of the new crop soybeans from making it to crushing facilities.

In July, processors squeezed 655,766 tons of soyoil out of the beans, up from
536,923 tons produced in July 2007.

Soymeal output in July totaled 2,710,522 tons, up from 2,138,198 tons a year

Argentina is the world's leading soymeal and soyoil exporter, but trails the
U.S. and Brazil in soybean exports.


Argentina also crushed 410,738 tons of sunseeds in July, up 27% from 322,488
tons a year earlier.

The country produced 168,232 tons of sunseed oil in July, up from 129,884
tons a year earlier.

Argentina is the world's leading exporter of sunseed oil.


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