15:16, 23.04.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ High Food Prices Burden Developing Countries - FAO (ENG)

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Food prices remain high in developing countries despite a
bumper world grain crop in 2008 and falling grain prices, the U.N.'s Food and
Agriculture Organization said Thursday.

  "Cereal prices in developing countries remain generally very high - in some
cases at record levels," said the FAO's latest Crop Prospects and Food
Situation report.

  Around 32 countries are struggling to feed their populations due to a range
of issues including poor local harvests, high domestic prices and slow imports,
according to the report.

  The FAO forecasts world cereal production in 2009 at 2.217 billion metric
tons, down 3.1% from 2008's record crop of 2.289 billion tons.

  A large part of the reduction in output is due to an expected 5% fall in
world wheat production to 655 million tons in 2009, said the report.

  "In several major producing countries, farmers have been discouraged by
sharply lower grain prices compared to a year ago, while input costs remain
relatively high," said the report.

  Chicago wheat futures prices have more than halved over the past year in the
wake of the global credit crisis to trade at $5.28 a bushel, as at 0933 GMT.

  However, the fall in production is expected to be buffered by carryover
stocks from the 2008 crop and lower demand for cereals for animal feed and
biofuels, said the report.



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