12:38, 23.04.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Ukraine 09 Sugar Beet, Rape Seed Harvest Seen Up,Sunflower Dn

MOSCOW (Dow Jones)--Ukraine's sugar beet harvest this year is likely to
increase by 20.2%, compared with 2008, to 16.5 million metric tons, the
agriculture ministry said Thursday.

The ministry said by April 21 sugar beet was planted on 285,000 hectares or
82% of the planned total area.

The ministry also said rape seed harvest this year would increase by 5.1%,
compared with 2008, to 3 million tons.

Sunflower seed harvest this year, according to the ministry's estimate will
fall by 8% on the year to 6 million tons. The ministry said by April 21
sunflowers were planted on 794,000 hectares or 23% of the planned total area.


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