09:17, 08.04.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ US Cash Grain Review: Receipts Retreating In Step With Prices (ENG)

By Gary Wulf


  CENTRAL CITY, Neb. (Dow Jones)--Interior cash grain movement has largely
waned this week, commensurate with a corresponding decline in farm-gate prices.

  The CME Group reported farmers were "generally maintaining a
light-to-moderate selling policy to start the week."

  CBOT-monitored grain terminals across the Midwest Tuesday reported
week-on-week declines in cash receipts which totaled 11% for corn, 29% for oats
and 61% for soybeans. Hard wheat movement actually increased.

  "Producers seem to have worked through a lot of old-crop [soybean] inventory,
suggesting limited selling interest to be found on further strength from the
producer sector," said analyst Duane Lowry. "Expect producer selling of
new-crop inventory to be a constant element on any further strength."

  Strength was completely absent from U.S. grain futures Tuesday, leaving the
cash contract lower by about 4 cents for soybeans/oats and 9-10 cents for
corn/spring wheat. Winter wheat futures faltered as well.

  "Wheat country has freezing weather, and the wheat market goes down 13-17
cents. Until it's black and laying flat on the ground, the assumption is going
to be that the wheat crop still has potential," a Midwest grain buyer
commented. "I don't think those wheat traders have forgotten the freeze of the
late 90's that eventually saw wheat piled in the streets of Kansas towns to
find a home for the [bumper] crop."

  Crop Weather

  The DTN Ag Weather forecast calls for significant delays to field work
progress in the Midwest, due to generally cool to continued periods of wet
weather and saturated soils.

  The service said jet stream patterns of upper-atmosphere air flow will
continue to push periodic storm systems southeast out of the Gulf of Alaska,
across the central Plains and Midwest through April 17.

  Abnormally cold spring weather is also causing crop concern.

  "Early morning temperatures in the teens to low 20s Fahrenheit were noted
across much of the southern Plains wheat areas, especially in Kansas. This cold
weather may have caused some damage to jointing wheat," said DTN.

  Twenty percent of the Kansas HRW wheat crop is estimated to be in the joint
stage as of last weekend, a stage of development in which temperatures colder
than 24 degrees Fahrenheit can cause damage to the plant.



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