13:53, 02.04.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

Brazil March Soy Exports Up On Month To 2.6M Tons-Govt

"Brazil March Soy Exports Up On Month To 2.6M Tons-Govt," published at 3:02
p.m. EDT, misstated the amount of soy exports in March in the first paragraph
and the amount of money generated by the soybean trade in February in the
fourth paragraph. The correct version follows.)

SAO PAULO (Dow Jones)--Brazil's soy exports rose to 2.6 million metric tons
in March from the 689,500 tons exported in February, the Foreign Trade Ministry
said Wednesday.

Brazil is the world's second-largest soy exporter behind the U.S., and soy
counts as one of the biggest revenue drivers for Brazil.

Brazil's soybean exports were 1.4 million tons in March last year.

The soybean trade brought in $973.4 million to Brazil in March compared to
$264.4 million in February.

Welber Barral, secretary of foreign trade at the Foreign Trade Ministry,
earlier this week told Dow Jones Newswires that demand remains strong from
countries such as China.

He said that soybean exports should continue to rise in April when more beans
flow into the market. The harvest is around 50% complete.

Brazil in March also shipped 840,200 tons of soymeal, a soy derivative used
in animal feed and other food products, compared with 567,000 tons in February
and 766,300 tons in March 2008.

Soyoil exports reached 120,500 tons in March compared to 42,700 tons in
February and 88,800 tons in March 2008.


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