23:16, 10.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ USDA Virginia Cash Grain Prices - Mar 10 (ENG)

Richmond, VA    Tue   Mar 10, 2009    USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News

Virginia Grain - Richmond, Norfolk and Petersburg

Prices dollars per bushel unless otherwise stated.

Closing prices for Tue Mar 10, 2009

Richmond area
   Wheat 10 higher, new crop 10 higher.  Corn 10 higher, new
   crop 11 higher.  Soybeans 12 higher, new crop 18 higher.
   No 2 red winter wheat   4.08         new crop  4.15
   No 2 yellow corn        4.01         new crop  3.92
   No 1 soybeans           8.57         new crop  7.91
   No 2 barley             ---

Norfolk Terminal area
   Wheat 10 higher, new crop 10 higher.  Soybeans 12 higher,
   new crop 18 higher.
   No 2 red winter wheat   4.43         new crop  4.65
   No 2 yellow corn        ---
   No 1 soybeans           8.92         new crop  8.16

Opening prices for Wed Mar 11, 2009

Norfolk Producer area
   Wheat 10 higher, new crop 10 higher.  Corn 10 higher, new crop
   11 higher.  Soybeans 12 higher, new crop 18 higher.
   No 2 red winter wheat   4.03          new crop  4.25
   No 2 yellow corn        3.91          new crop  3.77
   No 1 soybeans           8.52-8.57     new crop  7.76

Petersburg area
   Wheat 10 higher, new crop 10 higher.  Corn 10 higher, new crop
   11 higher.  Soybeans 12 higher, new crop 18 higher.
   No 2 red winter wheat   4.26          new crop  3.95
   No 2 yellow corn        4.26          new crop  3.97
   No 1 soybeans           8.47          new crop  7.56

Prices from elevators within 30 mile radius.

Source:  Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
         USDA-VA Market News, Richmond, VA   804.786.3947

1524e    lae bbl




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